Saturday, February 24, 2007


Read: Psalm 9:1-14

I will praise You, O Lord, with my whole heart;

I will tell of all your wonders.

-Psalm 9:1

You're in the dentist's office and it's taking longer than expected. You're late for another appointment, so you ask to use the phone. You dial the number twice and nothing happens. "How do I dial out?" you ask in frustration. "I'm sorry," says the receptionist, "you need to dial 9 first."You've come to church to worship God. You're singing. You're praying along with the pastor and following the Bible passages as they are read. But nothing's happening inside. You want to worship the Lord, but you're just going through the motions. What can you do?Here's a suggestion: Dial 9. Open your Bible to Psalm 9 and follow David's prompts as he expresses his heartfelt praise to the Lord.-Open your heart (v.1). Let praise roll forth!-Review all the things He has done for you (v.1).-Rejoice! Be glad! Sing! (v.2)-Acknowledge that He defends you (vv.3-5).-Go to Him for refuge (v.9).-Talk about what He's done for you (v.11).-Receive His mercy and rejoice in His salvation (vv.13-14).Try following David's example. You'll reconnect with God in your worship and praise. -David C. Egner

You alone are worthy, Lord,To be worshiped and adored;We to You our tribute bringAs our hearts rejoice and sing.-Hess

At the heart of worship is worship from the heart.

From Our Daily Bread, published by RBC Ministries, 2007.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Happy New Year.

I hope everything will be fine in 2007.
I will try to write many articles in this blog even if I feel hard to express my idea in English. I think my source already drys up. I really have nothing to talk about. My brain is just empty now. Furthermore, I am so afraid if my English is gramatically wrong or not.
However, I will not give up!

Thursday, February 16, 2006


I suffer from insomnia these days.
So, I am tired and annoyed in the daytime.
I guess that the majoy reason of my insomnia is that I worried about something too seriously.
Something means many things around me.
For this reason, the colour of my face is not good and my hair is losing now.
I am in a so terrible condition!

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Memoirs of a Geisha

I saw the movie, memoirs of a Geisha, yesterday.
In Australia, every Tuesday is Movie day which people can buy movie tickets at a low price.
So, I planned to see the movie near a Hoyts theater.

I enjoyed the Japanese Culture such as Geisha and Kimono in the movie. It was beautiful and exotic.

I think even if Korea is close to Japan, there are lots of Cultural difference.
It was interesting to experiecne other cultures

The story of a main character (Sayuri) toughed me. Her love was so innocent and pathetic.
I was sorry that it was hard to achieve her love because she was a Geisha.

Generally, I like this movie in the way of expressing images.
However, since most actors and actresses come from China, that reminded me of their previous movie (Chinese movie). In addition, all speech were English even if there were few Japanese words.
I think that for this reasons, the movie are a little bit out of touch with reality.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentine day!

Today is the Valentine day.
However, that is none of my business. This is because I don't have anyone who I give the Chololate. It is a little bit sad reality.
Even if some criticise the companies of Chololate, I think it is a quite good event for people. That is, people can publicly express their love, today.
I believe Love makes people be happy and warm.

Friday, February 10, 2006

I got final results!

Actually I was not satisfied with the marks of some subjects.
I am really sorry that I did not study more hard.
however, I've got enough wam to transfer to UTS.
So, I tried to think my results positively.